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Trademark Symbols Decoded: TM, SM, and ® Explained

Trademark Symbols Decoded: TM, SM, and ® Explained

Navigating the world of trademarks involves understanding various symbols and their correct usage. This post explains the differences between the TM, SM, and ® symbols, providing guidance on how to use them to protect your intellectual property effectively.

TM Symbol

The TM (trademark) symbol is used to denote claims over a mark associated with goods rather than services. It can be used without any official registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and is a way to assert rights over a brand name, logo, or slogan.

Example Usage: If you are launching a new product line under a specific name, you can place the TM symbol next to the name to signal your claim to it.

SM Symbol

The SM (service mark) symbol is similar to the TM symbol but is specifically used for services rather than goods. Like the TM, it does not require registration to use and serves to assert rights over a service mark.

Example Usage: If you run a cleaning service with a unique name or branding element, using the SM symbol can help protect your service identity.

Registered ® Symbol

The ® symbol indicates that a trademark has been officially registered with the USPTO. This symbol can only be used after the USPTO has granted a registration certificate, and it offers legal protection against infringement.

Example Usage: Major brands like Nike or McDonald's use the ® symbol to inform the public and potential infringers that their brand names and logos are legally protected.


Understanding and using trademark symbols correctly is crucial for protecting your brand’s intellectual property. The TM, SM, and ® symbols each serve specific purposes that can enhance your legal protection and help prevent unauthorized use of your brand elements.